Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Crackwalker by Judith Thompson

Kingston playwright Judith Thompson explores the brutal realities of life for those living on the edges of society. Four local down-and-outs struggle to improve their situation in this highly acclaimed drama.
Zorba Dravillas (Waiting for Godot) directs.

Judith Thompson has written a shocking comment on the debasement of the poor and the mentally disabled. The normal is weaved in with the abnormal and there is nothing to clutch onto for these poor souls to save themselves. I am inclined to think that the play satisfies already established prejudices in the theatre-goers mind, that the poor and mentally disabled must disgust us because they are poor and mentally-disabled.

Thompson does something remarkable in creating a community which includes Terese; the mentally disabled girl along with Alan who is mentally ill. Together they form a family unit. And they have close friends who are the normal ones, though they are trapped by drugs and poverty. Sandy and Joe are typical Kingston types from the early seventies. This weaving together of these four lives which results in a tragedy seems in the end seems to suggest that we need government intervention in people's lives, that the poor and mentally ill should not bear children.

Thompson is a tremendously powerful writer who has become an icon in Canadian theatre.

Not recommended for young audiences due to mature themes and language.

Terese - Talia Acker
Alan - Peter Jensen
Sandy - Jude Bursten
Joe - Cayton Garrett

For more info about our theatre company go to Bottle Tree Productions

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