For people who have purchased tickets to Bottle Tree Productions' The Sound of Music, there is an added perk. Ten dollar tickets to The Mesitersingers production of Fiddler on the Roof.
This generous offer of ten dollar tickets was made to Bottle Tree Productions ticket buyers last night and we are happy to participate.
If you have bought a ticket to The Sound of Music at simply take the online ticket receipt, or if you have purchased the ticket from the Grand Theatre, bring your ticket or recipt, or if you have purchased a ticket from cast members of The Sound of Music, please bring your ticket as evidence of proof of purchase of Sound of Music tickets, and you will get a ten dollar passport to Meistersingers fantastic vision of Fiddler on the Roof.
These discount tickets to Fiddler on the Roof must be purchased at the door.
It is a beautifully conceived production with an inspired set, beautiful costumes and great singing.
But you have to act fast. The show closes this weekend with the last performance being Sunday afternoon at 2 pm.
Theatre classes, Productions, Plays, Musicals - the works! Bottle Tree Productions in Kingston, Ontario.
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